
Classroom Rhythms Series: Enthusiasm

Students can read right through fake, so enthusiasm must come from a genuine place, however exaggerated it may feel. If you asked my freshmen which text we read this year was my favorite, they would respond with 'all of them.' Because at the start of every unit, I share why that text is my favorite or at least why a portion of that text is my favorite. I don't have to fake that. It doesn't have to be my favorite of all time, or of anything ever written, it just has to be a favorite over something else. For example, I really can't stand Hemingway. I'm not sure why, but he's always been one of my least favorite writers. (I know some have stopped reading just at that assertion, but stick with me!) So, at the start of reading "In Another Country" in American Literature, I enthusiastically told my students that this was my favorite text by Hemingway- and it is! It's short, not too Hemingway-ish, and is good fodder for the iceberg principle and fla

Classroom Rhythm Series: Pace Yourself!

Classroom Rhythm Series: Introduction

Poetry Exploration Stations

10 Steps to a Perfect Paper